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sweet vauxhall

I'm too old, too wasp, too middle-class and just too busy to understand what motivates graffiti artists to risk life and limb in pursuit of their thing... but I often love their work and (yes, yes, I know it's illegal) it so often makes a dull place interesting. I used to pass this one at Vauxhall every day on my way to work and it's still as striking as the first day I saw it. Whoever created it I just want them to know that I really appreciate this free gift and I'm glad the London Transport Police haven't been able to get their bleach on it.

Can't get Jamie Lidell's Multiply out of my head today. He deserves to be a big star.


Brian Sibley said…
You see...? Orwell was right! BB is watching you...

Great piece of graffiti... Great photo...
Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
I was at Vauxhall last Friday and I could have sworn they've painted over all the graff there now. What a shame, it made me really upset actually :(
Anonymous said…
They repainted the entire wall! I nearly cried. So destructive.
Unknown said…
They have!!! Can't believe it after all these years... and now the wall is just brown and dull. Who are teh vandals here really..?

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