Mildly Diverting pointed this out to me today (in true Mildly Diverting manner) and, as ads go, it's mustard. Unlike the Budweiser ad mentioned elsewhere in this little blogiverse, this ad is aimed at me! Woo!
Mildly Diverting pointed this out to me today (in true Mildly Diverting manner) and, as ads go, it's mustard. Unlike the Budweiser ad mentioned elsewhere in this little blogiverse, this ad is aimed at me! Woo!
It says everything, visually, without the need for any comment.
What a world we have created ~ guaranteed to make most of the population feel dissatisfied with the way each of us appears.
Mind you, as a magician, I just love the idea that the images we see, as if real people, simply do not exist. Its all a combination of cosmetics and computer crafting ~ fantastical!
It makes me... hmn, probably not buy soap, but probably finally get round to reading the Natasha Walter book on feminism that's been sitting on my to read pile for the last six months, waiting for a day I feel worthier than I actually am.
I think, however, it's something to do with having seen a talk by the creative behind the campaign. You know that they believe it presently, but only for as long as they see their brand profile going up in their target demographic...
I slightly resent the cluetrain manifesto, and the 'new honesty' in advertising. It's diluted plain speech with commercial messages. Where's the opositional position if honesty gets taken away?